Snow Removal
The City of Chippewa Falls ordinance 8.11 Snow and Ice Removal states:
(1) FROM SIDEWALKS. (Am. #90-18) The owner or occupant of every premises fronting upon any street within the City shall keep the sidewalks in front of such premises reasonably clear of snow and ice and shall clear the snow from each sidewalk within 24 hours after each snowfall. If the owner or occupant shall fail to clear the snow and ice as required hereunder, the City Building Inspector shall cause the same to be done by removal or by placing sand or a combination thereof and the cost thereof assessed against the abutting property as a special tax.
(2) SNOW REMOVAL RESTRICTIONS. (Am. #92-4; #97-5; #2013-05) No person in clearing snow from driveways, parking lots, filling stations, garage entrances, or other large areas shall place such snow on the paved portion of any streets or public ways, or on the property of another or on the public right-of-way adjacent to the property of another, without consent of said property owner or in such a manner as to block the vision of motorists at intersections, or create a traffic hazard. Such person shall cause such accumulation of snow to be hauled away immediately. If said person does not cause the accumulation to be hauled away immediately, the City engineer or his appointee shall cause the same accumulation to be removed and the cost thereof assessed against the abutting property as a special tax. The amount of special tax shall be determined to be the cost for a loader and operator and dump truck and driver at the then current rate for City of Chippewa Falls personnel and equipment. The minimum charge shall be one hour of a loader and operator and one hour of a dump truck and driver. In the Central Business District, where walks have been constructed from the street right-of-way line to the curb, snow from the sidewalk may be deposited in the portion of the public way intended for parking, but not in any portion of the traveled section of such public way. With permission of the Street and Utilities Maintenance Manager, residents or businesses located in the City of Chippewa Falls may haul accumulations to one of the City of Chippewa Falls Snow Dumping yards.